Professor & HOD
The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 1986. The Department has been recognized as R & D Centre by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, for carrying out Research activities leading to M. Sc.(Engg.) and Ph.D. Degrees. The department offers two UG programs namely, B.E.(Mechanical Engineering) and B.E. (Industrial Engineering and Management, started in 1995) and one PG program namely, M.Tech.(Computer Integrated Manufacturing, started in 2002). The sanctioned students’ strengths of B.E. Mechanical Engineering is 120, B.E. Industrial Engineering and Management is 30 and M.Tech. CIM is 25. At present, the department has Ph.D scholars, working on nanomaterials, composites, alternative fuels etc.
The students of the department will undergo internship in various reputed organizations all over the country. Students participate in various international competitions regularly. The department possesses the state of the art research facilities to support our academic programs and research. Several projects of the students have been funded by the Government of Karnataka and VTU, Belagavi. The students of our department work in interdisciplinary projects and have won laurels at National level.
Our department has a distinguished record in both teaching and research. Faculty members have excellent academic credentials and are highly regarded. They have publications at national and international levels and also have patents. Several faculty members serve on the editorial boards of national and international journals, review technical articles for journals on a regular basis and organize conferences and workshops.
To become a leading learning Center in Mechanical Engineering.
Enrich the undergraduate experience through experimental learning, and fostering a personalized and supportive environment for their overall development.
Provide opportunities to develop talented and committed human resource to meet the needs of profession and society.
Provide research and intellectual resources to address contemporary and complex problems of industry and research.
- Establish themselves as successful professionals either as individuals or in team, exhibiting leadership qualities to meet the goals of a project or organization.
- Analyze, design and solve problems related to Mechanical Engineering.
- Continuously enhance skills and technologies through self learning.
- Engage themselves in higher learning leading to degrees or certifications.
- An understanding of fundamentals, design and analysis procedures, thermal engineering, material aspects, manufacturing methods, management of resources of various kinds, and application of various modern tools / techniques to develop products/components related to mechanical engineering and allied fields.
- An ability to solve engineering problems and work in industry, R&D organizations and institutions of higher learning in mechanical engineering and related areas.
Name of Faculty | Designation | Qualification |
Dr. K.S. Shanmukharadhya | Professor & HOD | Ph.D. |
Dr. V. Shantha | Professor | B.E., M.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D. |
Dr. G. Balakumar | Associate Professor | B.E., M.E., Ph.D. |
Mr. K. Ejaz Ahmed | Associate Professor | B.E., M.Tech. |
Mr. Halesh S.B | Associate Professor | B.E., M.Tech. |
Dr. Janardhana K. | Associate Professor | B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D. |
Dr. Kiran Kumar M. | Associate Professor | B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D. |
Dr. Prashanth S.H | Associate Professor | B.E,, M.Tech, (CIM), Ph.D. |
Dr. Hanumantharayagouda M. Biradar | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech (Design Eng.), Ph.D. |
Mr. Ramesh C. Guledagudda | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech. (Product Design and Manufacturing), Ph.D. |
Mr. Prashanth L. | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech. (Product Design and Manufacturing), Ph.D. |
Mr. Shivakumar S. | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D. |
Mr. M. Nataraj | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech. (Machine Design), Ph.D. |
Mr. Chandrasekhar B. | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech. (Thermal), Ph.D. |
Dr. H.S.Yeshavantha | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech. (PDM), Ph.D. |
Mr. Kumar Swamy R. | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech. |
Dr. Sampath Kumar L. | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D. |
Dr. Madhu Kumar K. | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D. |
Ms. Veena B.G. | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech. |
Ms. Asha Rani A. | Assistant Professor | B.E, M.Tech |
Dr. Manjunatha Swamy K. M. | Assistant Professor | B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D. |
Undergraduate Programme:
- BE in Mechanical Engineering with AICTE Approved Intake - 60
Postgraduate Programme
- M Tech in Robotics and artificial intelligence with AICTE Approved Intake - 12
- Research activities leading to M. Sc.(Engg.) and Ph.D. Degrees.
Year 2024

The department had organized a Session on “How to Convert Innovation into Startup” on 21.06.2024, The resource person of the event was Ms Sheela Biradar, Director of Software Engineering Sleep and Respiratory Care Business at Philips Innovation Campus, Bengaluru. 30 Students from 4S participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Dr.V.Shantha, Mr.K. Ejaz Ahmed, Ms.Asha Rani A and Dr.Janardhana K.

The department had organized a Visit to HAL Heritage Centre and Aerospace Museum Bengaluru, on 20.06.2024. 32 Students from 4S took part in the visit, This event was coordinated by Dr.V.Shantha, Mr.K. Ejaz Ahmed, Ms.Asha Rani A and Dr.Janardhana K

The department had organized an Industrial Visit to U R Rao Satellite Centre- ISRO Bengaluru, on 20.06.2024. 32 Students from 4S took part in the visit, This event was coordinated by Dr.V.Shantha, Mr. K. Ejaz Ahmed, Ms. Asha Rani A and Dr.Janardhana K

The department had organized an ASME Student Technical Talk on ‘Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory’ on 09.05.2024. The resource person of this event was Mrs.Sanchita Mukerjee and Mr. Sahul Hameed from EDUTECH. 60 Students from S1 and S4 participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Dr. K S. Shanmukharadhya, Professor and Head of Mechanical Engineering.

The department had organized an ASME Student Seminar on Event Budding Engineers on 03.04.2024. 12 students from S2 and S8 participated in the event. The Participants presented their innovative ideas and awarded with cash prize, the judges of the event was Dr.V.Shantha and Ms. Asha Rani. A. This event was coordinated by Dr. K S Shanumkharadhya, Professor and Head of Mechanical Engineering.

The department organized visit to GKVK-Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra as a part of the course “Social Connect & Responsibility” for the students of S3 on 22nd February. 29 students from S3 took part in the visit, along with the faculty coordinators Dr.V. Shantha & Ms. Asha Rani A.

The department organized an Industrial Visit to Emmvee Solar Systems Pvt Ltd, Dobaspet on 1st February 2024, 29 students from S3 participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Dr. V. Shantha, Mr. K. Ejaz Ahmed, Ms. Asha Rani A & Dr. Janardhana K.

The department had organized a student workshop on IoT with Ardunio in association with Pantech E-learning Pvt.Ltd. on 24th January 2024. The resource person of the event was Mr. Sreenivaas, trainer from Pantech E-Lab. This event was coordinated by Mr. S B Halesh, Dr. Prashant.S.H and Coordinated by Dr. Yashvantha.H.S, Mr. Chandrashekhar B, Dr. Hanmantraygouda M B & Dr. Sampath Kumar L.

The department had organized a Visit to IMTEX FORMING-2024 at BIEC-Bengaluru International Exhibition Centre on 23rd January 2024. 46 students of 5S & 3S participated in the visit. This event was coordinated by Dr. Prashant H S, Mr. Chandarshekar B, Dr. Janardhana K & Ms. Veena B G.

The department had organized an Industrial Visit to Government Tool Room and Training center, Bengaluru on 4th January 2024. 31 Students from S3 participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Dr. V. Shantha, Mr. K. Ejaz Ahmed & Ms. Asha Rani A.

The department had organized a Faculty Development Programme in association with Biotechnology “Synthetic Biology and Biomimetic Applications” from 8th January 2024 to 13th January 2024. This programme was aimed at the construction of biomimetic platforms to investigate physiological conditions of native structure of cells and tissues and their interactions. Dr. B. E. Rangaswamy, Registrar of VTU was the chief guest and Dr. H. S. Subramanya, Director of IBAB was guest of honour. There were 55 participants from various institutions. This event was coordinated by Dr. Hariharan P, BT and Dr Prashant S H, ME.
Year 2023

The department had organized an Industrial Visit on 16th November 2023, Karnataka German Multi Skill Development Centre 53 students from S7 participated in the event this event was coordinated by Dr. G Balakumar, Mr. Natraja M and Mr. Madhu Kumar K.

The department had organized an Industrial Visit on 3rd November 2023; India Manufacturing Show (IMS) 38 Students from S7 participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Dr. Prashant S H & Ms. Veena B G.

The Department has Organized Workshop on “Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop” by Mr. Mahesh Hegde, Founder and managing Director of LearnEx Consulting Pvt Ltd on 21.09.2023 Under Institutions Innovation Council, 41 students of 7S Participated, Dr. V Shantha, Mr. K.Ezad Ahmed and Ms. Asha Rani A coordinated the event.

An industrial visit to U.R.Rao Satellite Center-Indian Space Research Organization was organized on 04th May 2023. 48 students from 6S participated in the visit Dr.V.Shantha, Mr.Janardhana K and Mrs.Asha Rani A Coordinated the event.

A visit to HAL Heritage Center and Aerospace Museum was organized on 04th May 2023. 48 students from 6S participated in the visit, Dr.V.Shantha, Mr.Janardhana K and Mrs.Asha Rani A Coordinated the event.

The Department has organized one day workshop on “Design and Development of Industrial Automation Process” on 12.05.2023 Under Institutions Innovation Council, 45 students of 6S Participated, Dr.V Shantha, Dr.G Balakumarand Mrs.Asha Rani A coordinated the event.

Project Exhibition- 2023 was held on 13th May 2023,Dr. Raju B S and Dr. G Raj Kumar, were the external judges and Mr.Janardhana K and Mrs.Asha Rani A Coordinated the event.

The department had organized a Webinar on "Higher Studies & Career options in Abroad" on 14th June2023, by Mr. Abhilash Kaparthi from Nestlings Pvt. Ltd. 40students participated in the webinar; Dr. K. S. Shanmukharadhya coordinated the event.

The department had organized an Orientation Program for 6S to give awareness on “Machine Learning” on 19.06.2023 by Mr. Mohan Shamanna, Founder & Chief Mentor M/s Aqmenz Automation Pvt, Ltd. 34 students took part in the programme, Dr.G.Balakumar and Mr.Natraj.M coordinated the event.

The department has organized 4 days Student Development programme on “Real-World Machine Learning Applications Development & Deployment” by Mr.Mohammed Azhar Hussain& Mr. Mohan Shamanna, M/s Aqmenz Automation Pvt, Ltd. From 26.06.2023 to 30.06.2023, 60 Students Participated in the event, Dr.G Balakumar and Mr.Natraj M & Mr. Madhu Kumar K coordinated the event.

The department organized Industrial Visit and Internship for 4S Students on “Computer-Aided Design, NX-Design, 2D Design and Drafting & NX-CAD” from 29.05.2023 to 15.06.2023,
Dr V Shantha Coordinated the team.

The Department has organized 2days SDP on “An Innovative career Guidance” by Indraneel, Tarun R, Alumni of Mechanical Engineering, Adnaan Tawheed Jameel, Ganavi S, Mashitha M A, Vivek Kumar Singh and ParthAnshul Placed students from Sir MVIT on 26th & 27th April 2023. Dr. V Shantha, Mr. Chandrasekhar B, Ms. Asha Rani A Coordinated this event.

The Department has Organized a invited talk on “How to Improve your Exam Performance by Best Presentation” by Prof Vijaya B on 09.03.2023. Dr. V Shantha, Mr. K Ejaz Ahmed, Mr. Janardhana K, Ms. Asha Rani A Coordinated this event.
Year 2022

“Design and Development of Quadcopter Drone for Payload Delivery” by Arun Jeya Prakesh, Director & CEO, Aviocian Technologies Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi in Mechanical Seminar Hall Organized by Dr V Shantha, Mr. K. Ejaz Ahmed, Mr. Janardhana K, Mrs. Asha Rani A, for Three days Student Development program from 15-12-2022 to 17-12-2022 and the Participants were 31.

“Python Programming with applications and solutions” by Aqmez Automation Pvt.Ltd. Bangalore in Mechanical Seminar hall Organized by Dr G Balakumar and Mr. Natraj M, for three days Student Development program from 01.12.2022 to 03.12.2022 and the participants were 82.

Visit to KRISHIMELA-2022 on 05-11-2022 as a Part of Social Connect and Responsibility by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Mentors are Mr. Chandrasekhar B and Mrs. Veena B G were 30 Participants.

Industrial Visit to Government Tool Room and Training Center Bangalore on 14-10-2022 they were 28 Participants, for Third Semester Students as a Part of Internship.

ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) the Student Chapter Organized a Seminar on Gas Turbine Technologies Fundamentals and Advancements on 14-10-2022 at CSE Seminar hall were 91 Participants.

”Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership” by Mr Amit T, 2nd Generation Entrepreneur Excelr Solutions, Bangalore & Mr. Shiv Varun Singh Rajput, CEO, Nautical Wings, Bangalore in Mechanical Seminar Hall Organized by Dr K S Shanmukharadhya, Dr V Shantha , Dr G Balakumar, Mr. Mahaboob Basha D, Mrs.Asha Rani A on 22-08-2022 and the Participants were 51.

Industrial Visit to Government Tool Room and Training Center Bangalore on 18-08-2022 they were 47 Participants.

“Developing Skills for Employability” by Mr Srinivasa Gopal senior manager, Design Tech Systems & Mr Nagendra.J, executive, GTTC in Mechanical Seminar Hall Organized by Dr V Shantha and Mrs. Asha Rani A on 13-07-2022 and the Participants Were 62.
Year 2021
- Prashant S H, and Mr. Halesh S B, organized Three days AICTE sponsored national conference “Recent Advancements In Mechanical Engineering And Allied Fields” (RAMEAF – 2021), from 21st to 23rd December 2021.
- Dr G Balakumar, and Mr. Nataraj M, organized guest lecture “Characterization and Strengthening Mechanisms of Light Structural Alloys” on 21st December 2021.
- Mr Mahaboob Basha, Dr V Shantha, Mr K. Ejaz Ahmed and Mr Janardhana K, organized guest lecture “Drone Technology and Its Role in Industry 4.0” on 19th June 2021.
Year 2020
- Mr Mahaboob Basha, Dr V Shantha, Mr K. Ejaz Ahmed and Mr Janardhana K,organized Three Days Onlie SDP “To Enhance Domain Knowledge and Professional Skills” on 20-22, May 2020.
- Dr G Balakumar, Mr. Madhukumar K, Veeen B G and Mr. Sampath Kumar L, organized 3 days National level online SDP on “Classroom learning to industrial applications” from 27th -29th July 2020.
- Dr G Balakumar, Nataraj M, Mr. Sampath Kumar L and Mr. Madhukumar K, organized National Level One Week FDP on “Advanced Materials, Machining and Characterization” from 6-9 July 2020.
- Dr G Balakumar, Nataraj M, and Mr. Madhukumar K, have organised one day SDP on “Metal Additive Manufacturing” on 12.06.2020.
- Mr Mahaboob Basha, Dr V Shantha, Mr B M Nagesh, Mr K.Ejaz Ahmed and Mr Janardhana K,organized Three Days Online SDP “To Enhance Domain Knowledge and Professional Skills” on 20-22, May 2020.
- Mr Prashanth L and Mr Ramesh C G, organized online lecture on “Application of Robotics in Industrial Automation”on 22 May 2020.
- Dr Prashant S Humnabad, Delivered Online Lecture “Industry 4.0 – An Overview” for the Students and Faculty Members of Cambridge Institute of Technology (North Campus), Bangalore, on 12.05.2020.
- Mr Shivakumar S and Mr. Kumaraswamy S,organized an Alumni Interaction and talk “A journey of mechanical engineer to PhD in materials science” on 25th April 2020 for 6th semester students, alumni:Mr. Chaitanya Paramatmuni, 2012 Batch from London.
- Dr Prashant S Humnabad,delivered Lecture “Advantages of Learning Foreign Languages” for Mechanical and IEM students along with Mr. Ravi of INLINGUIA – Bengaluru, on 5th March 2020 at Mechanical Engineering Seminar Hall.
- Dr Prashant S Humnabad,organized student orientation program “ERP – A Digital Transformation”, by Rufouss, Global ERP & Digital Solutions Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru on 4th March 2020 at CS - Seminar Hall.
Year 2019
- Dr G Balakumar, Nataraj M, and Mr. Madhukumar K, have organised one day SDP “Modelling and Experimentation of Hybrid MMCs for Friction Applications” on 6th September 2019.
- Mr Mahaboob Basha, Dr V Shantha, Mr B M Nagesh, Mr K.Ejaz Ahmed and Mr Janardhana K, organized Three days Workshop “Design and Development of Quadcopter UAV with Payload Delivery” from 22nd to 24th August 2019.
- Dr G Balakumar, Nataraj M, and Mr. Madhukumar K, have organised SDP “working principle of 4-stroke & 2-stroke IC engines with hands on training” from 21st to 23rd March 2019.
- Mr Mahaboob Basha, Dr V Shantha, Mr B M Nagesh, Mr K.Ejaz Ahmed and Mr Janardhana K, organized guest Lecture on “Quad copter (UAV)” on 1st March 2019.

ASME Sir MVIT Student Section Activities - Click Here >>

Department Library:
Subject/Specialization |
No. of Books |
Volumes |
Engineering Mechanics |
49 |
126 |
Material Science |
22 |
37 |
Computers/CAD/ Simulation |
30 |
30 |
Production /Manufacturing |
173 |
232 |
Design Engineering |
36 |
66 |
Engineering Drawing/ Machine Drawing |
30 |
37 |
Measurements & Metrology |
25 |
61 |
Fluid Mechanics |
18 |
52 |
Management/ Optimization |
161 |
207 |
Thermal Science/Engineering |
81 |
141 |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
18 |
20 |
Total |
643 |
981 |
Total No. of Project Reports |
406 |
406 |
Software |
No. of Copies (User Licenses) |
60 |
10 |
06 |
ANSYS-13 |
25 |
NISA V7.0 |
01 |
01 |
05 |
05 |
05 |
ARENA V5.0 |
20 |
10 |
10 |
Funded Projects
Year of Grant |
Investigator |
Research Topic |
Amount Sanctioned in INR |
Funding Agency |
Duration of the Project |
2023-2024 | Ms.Asha Rani A | Detection and Identification of Tomato Leaf Disease. | Rs. 5,000.00/- | Project Proposal Reference No : 47S_BE_3913 | --- |
2020 - 2021 | Dr. Prashant S Humnabad – Coordinator and Prof. S B Halesh – Co- Coordinator | Three Day National Conference on “Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering and Allied Fields (RAMEAF2021)” | Rs. 50,000/- | AQIS under Grant for Organizing Conference (GOC) scheme (AQIS Application Id: 1-9239170527), F.No.67-15/IDC/GOC/Policy-1/2020-21, Dated: 27.04.2021 | One Year |
2019 - 2020 | Dr. Prashant S Humnabad – Project Coordinator | SIEMENS Advanced Analysis Lab | 15,68,627.00 | All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), NEW DELHI. Scheme: MODROB | Two years |
2019 - 2020 | Dr. Prashant S Humnabad – Principal Investigator & Dr. Hanumantraygouda M B Co-Principal Investigator | Solid State Welding of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials for Automobile and Aviation Industrial Applications | 3,00,000.00 | Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST). Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S & T, Government of Karnataka Scheme: Research Grant for Scientist/Faculty (RGS/F) | One year |
2010 | Dr. D N Shivappa Dr. A J K Prasad | Development, Testing and Evaluation of Reusable Wax Formulation for use in Investment Casting Process | 7,50,000.00 | VTU Belgaum under Research Grants Scheme (RGS) Belgaum - 590 018 Ph: 0831 2405468 | 2 years (2010 - 2012) |
2010 | Dr. A J K Prasad | Design, Development and Testing of Prototype Smart Wiper for Automobile Wind Screens | 24,16,000.00 | Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), National Programme on Micro and Smart Systems, NPMASS, Bangalore - 560 017 Ph: +91 80 25236146 | 1 ½ years (2010 - 2012) |
2007 | Dr. D N Drakshayani |
Product development for environment friendly manufacturing process |
1,95,000.00 | AICTE New Delhi under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS) | 2 years (2007 - 2009) |
2007 | Dr. A J K Prasad | Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites Reinforced with Nano ceramic oxide powders | 4,01,600.00 | VTU Belgaum under Research Grants Scheme (RGS) Belgaum - 590 018 Ph: 0831 2405468 | 2 years (2007 - 2009) |
Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Sponsored Projects
Year |
Faculty In-charge |
Title of the Project |
Amount in INR |
Sanctioned Letter Details |
2021 | Dr. Prashant S Humnabad | Green Joining Technology To Join Dissimilar Materials Used In Aerospace and Automobile Industrial Applications | 8,000.00 | KSCST – Govt. of Karnataka, 44th Series: 2020-2021. Ref: 7.1.01/SPP/10, Date: 24.04.2021 |
2019 | Mr. Mahaboob Basha D | Portable pothole filling machine using bitumen, aggregate and plastic. | 10,000.00 | Ref: 7.1.01/SPP/1333, Dated: 27.03.2019 Project Proposal Reference No.: 42S_BE_1557, Series: 4 2nd Year: 2018 - 2019 |
2019 | Dr. V Shantha | Study of bio-gas production using kitchen waste | 6,000.00 | Ref.: 7.1.01/SPP/1333, Dated: 27.03.2019 Project Proposal Reference No.: 42S_BE_0080, Series: 4 2nd Year: 2018 - 2019 |
2018 | Mr. Chandrashekar B | Study of mechanical properties of friction stir welded dissimilar metals | 7,000.00 | Ref. : 7.1.01/SPP/08, Dated: 28.03.2018 Project Proposal Reference No.: 41S_BE_2090, Series: 4 1st Year: 2017 - 2018 |
2018 | Dr. V Shantha | Sanitary napkin incinerator | 7,000.00 | Ref: 7.1.01/SPP/08, Dated: 28.03.2018 Project Reference No.: 41S_BE_0535 Year: 2017 - 2018 |
2017 | Mr. Chandrashekar B | Integration of Parabolic Trough Collector for tapping of Solar Energy With adsorption Refrigeration System. | 8,000.00 | Ref: 7.1.03/SPP/1112, Dated: 27.03.2017 Project Proposal Reference No. 40S_BE_0062 Year: 2016 - 2017 |
2017 | Dr. A J K Prasad | Fabrication and Testing of Semiautomatic Commode Cleaner having Flexible Shaft | 8,000.00 | Ref: 7.1.03/SPP/1112, Dated: 27.03.2017 Project Proposal Reference No. 40S_BE_1496 Year: 2016 - 2017 |
2016 | Mr. Mahaboob Basha D | Development of Dual Fuel Engine and its Performance and Emission | 9,000.00 | Ref.No.7.1.02/SPP/NP/ 735 Dated: 16.11.2015 No. 3.0/GC(F)/SPP-Biofuel/51 Date:20.04.2016, Proj. Proposal No.: 39S_B_BE_052 Year: 2015 - 2016 |
2015 | Dr. A J K Prasad | Design, Fabrication of Bicycle/Four wheeled Steerable Trolley- Peddled Mop for Cleaning Floors | 6,000.00 | Ref: 7.1.03/SPP/1148, Dated: 23.03.2016 Year: 2014 - 2015 |
2014 | Mr. Prashant L | Studies on Recycling of Automobile Wash Water | 6,000.00 | Ref: 7.1.03/SPP/1018, Dated: 12.03.2015 Project Proposal Reference No. 38S0420 Year: 2013 - 2014 |
2014 | Dr. A J K Prasad | Design, Development and Testing of Semiautomatic Commode Cleaner | 7,000.00 | Ref: 7.1.03/SPP/1018, Dated: 12.03.2015 Year: 2014 - 2015 |
2012 | Dr. A J K Prasad | Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Gold | 7,500.00 | Ref.: 7.1.03/SPP/1302 Dated:21.02.2012 Year: 2011 - 2012 |
Year of Grant | Investigator | Research Topic | Amount Sanctioned in INR | Funding Agency | Duration of the Project |
2022 - 2023 | Dr.V Shantha | Multi-source Renewable Energy Harvesting from Highway Traffic | Rs. 6500.00/- | 46th Series Ref:7.1.01/SPP/33 Project proposal reference number: 45S_BE_2478 Date:24-04-2023 | --- |
2020 - 2021 | Dr. Prashant S Humnabad – Coordinator and Prof. S B Halesh – Co- Coordinator | Three Day National Conference on “Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering and Allied Fields (RAMEAF2021)” | Rs. 1,90,100/- | AQIS under Grant for Organizing Conference (GOC) scheme (AQIS Application Id: 1-9239170527), F.No.67-15/IDC/GOC/Policy-1/2020-21, Dated: 27.04.2021 | One Year |
USN | Name of the Student | Course | Branch | Rank | Year |
1MV18IM013 | Thanmayi C K | BE | IEM | 1 | 2022 |
1MV18IM010 | ShubhangiJha | BE | IEM | 3 | 2022 |
1MV17IM015 | Tharun Srivathsa | BE | IEM | 2 | 2021 |
1MV16IM009 | Mandhara K S | B E | IEM | 7 | 2020 |
1MV16IM015 | T S Megha Nayaka | BE | IEM | 3 | 2020 |
1MV15ME089 | Shree Lekha K P | B E | Mechanical | 3 | 2019 |
1MV15IM003 | Anvitha | BE | IEM | 1 | 2019 |
1MV12IM003 | Aditya Pradeep | BE | IEM | 6 | 2016 |
1MV11IM026 | Subha Hegde | BE | IEM | 9 | 2015 |
1MV10ME084 | Rajesh R | BE | Mechanical | 8 | 2014 |
1MV11MCM01 | Achuth N | MTech | Mechanical | 3 | 2013 |
1MV09IM021 | Sherwin Richy Jonas J | BE | IEM | 5 | 2013 |
1MV08IM005 | Anuradha Mahadevan | BE | IEM | 1 | 2012 |
1MV08IM003 | Aman Jain | BE | IEM | 10 | 2012 |
1MV08ME039 | Jyoti Agarwal | BE | Mechanical | 4 | 2012 |
1MV08ME020 | Chaitanya P | BE | Mechanical | 3 | 2012 |
1MV07IM019 | Prabha M | BE | IEM | 4 | 2011 |
1MV07IM024 | Rashmi Rajashekar | BE | IEM | 2 | 2011 |
1MV08MCM01 | Dharmendra M | MTech | Mechanical | 3 | 2010 |
1MV06ME031 | Ganesh Kamat A | BE | Mechanical | 7 | 2010 |
1MV04IM007 | Caroline Janet D Lima | BE | IEM | 10 | 2008 |
1MV03ME111 | Varsha R | BE | Mechanical | 5 | 2007 |
1MV04MCM05 | Kalavathy Y N | MTech | Mechanical | 3 | 2006 |
1MV04MCM02 | Geetha M | MTech | Mechanical | 2 | 2006 |
1MV04MCM04 | Sharath Chandra N | MTech | Mechanical | 1 | 2006 |
1MV01ME023 | Gautam | BE | Mechanical | 9 | 2005 |
1MV011M016 | Rajiv R | BE | Mechanical | 8 | 2005 |
1MV00ME014 | Srikiran B V | BE | Mechanical | 4 | 2004 |
96GTEI1027 | Varundhir | BE | IEM | 4 | 2000 |
92OB022 | Guruprasad S | BE | Mechanical | 8 | 1996 |
88OB041 | Patel Premal Suresh | BE | Mechanical | 4 | 1992 |
- Dr.Yeshvantha Hirisave Sathyanarayana has published a paper titled “Comparative Study on Dry and Wet Wear Characteristics of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Composites Reinforced with Direct Precipitated Nano Zinc Oxide”, Annales de Chimie-Science des Materiaux, Voume-48, Issue-01, PP-63-72, February 2024, DOI-https://doi.org/10.18280/acsm.480108
- Dr.V.Shantha has published a paper titled “Influence of the Bio-lubricant Along with Nano Compounds as Additives on the Properties of the Lubricant”, 2nd International Conference on Smart Sustainable Material and Technologies ICSSMT 2023-Springer, Vol.1, Iss.1, pp.55-62, 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-49826-8_8.
- Mr.Nataraja M, Dr. G Balakumar has published a paper titled Characterization of wear rate of Al-12 wt % Si alloy based MMC reinforced with ZrO2 particulates, Materials Research Express (IOP), Vol.11, Iss.3,pp:036522- 1-21,ISSN 2053-1591, https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/ad3468.
- Mr. M. Nataraja, Dr. G. Balakumar has published a paper titled “ Functional Evaluation of the Effect of ZrO2 Reinforcements on the Density, Microstructure, Strength and Hardness of Al–12 wt%Si Alloy Based Composites” Journal of the Institution of engineers (India): Series D, Volume 105, Issue 1, Pages: 04:1-14, ISSN: 2250-2130, DOI:10.1007/s40033-024-00715-7.
- Dr. H S Yeshvantha and Dr. Hanamantray Gouda has published a paper titled “Comparative analysis of sliding wear behaviour of A356 nanocomposites using response surface methodology and artificial neural network approaches” Engineering Research Express, Voume, Issue, Page Numbers, 14 May 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/2631-8695/ad4437.
- Dr. Prashant S.H., Hanamantraygouda M.B, Mr. S.B. Halesh has published a paper titled “Fatigue Studies on Aluminum 6061/SiC Reinforcement Metal Matrix Composites, Journal of Mines, Metal and Alloys, Volume:70, Issue:3A, Page Numbers:143-147, Year:2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18311/jmmf/2022/30684.
- Dr. Sampath Kumar L has published a paper titled “Tool Rotational and Tool Travel Parameters Influence on Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Joints Properties” Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, Volume 71, Issue 11, Page Number 1962-1970, January 2024 , DOI: 10.18311/jmmf/2023/36266.
- Mr. Khalique Ejaz Ahmed has published a paper titled “Feasibility study for the development of small scale low speed wind tunnel for super mileage prototype car” Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, Volume 71, Issue 11, Page Number 1962-1970, January 2024, DOI:10.18311/jmmf/2023/36261.
- Dr Sampath Kumar L has published a paper titled “Tribological properties of CNT-filled epoxy-carbon fabric composite Optimization and modeling by machine learning” https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.12.175, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 19 December 2023.
- Mr. Madhu Kumar K, G Balakumar has published a paper titled “Enhancement in Microstructural characteristics and Mechanical Properties of A6082-based MMCs via Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Incorporation and T6 Heat Treatment” European Chemical Bulletin Volume 12, Special Issue No: 5, Page No: 1310-1320, Impact factor 3.7 November 2023 DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5.123.
- Mr. Madhu Kumar K, G Balakumar has published a paper titled “Microstructural Characterization and Wear Studies of T6 Heat-Treated A6082 Composite Reinforced with Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia” Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Impact factor 1.4 November 2023 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219686724500124.
- Dr.V.Shantha has published a paper titled “Effect of Nano lubricant on the Tribological Behaviour Using Pin on Disc Test Rig” GIS Science Journal, Vol.10, issue 9, ISSN NO: 1869-939, September 2023.
- Dr. Balakumar G has published a paper titled “Enhancement in Micro structural characteristics and mechanical properties of A6082-Based MMCs via yttria Stabilized Zirconia incorporation and T6 Heat treatment” European Chemical Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 1310-1320. May 2023.
- Mr. Sampath Kumar L has published a paper titled “Optimization and Enhanced Production of Thrombolytic Enzyme by Cladosporium flabella forme MVIT CH3 through Submerged Fermentation Processes” under Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 377-386 September 2023.
- Dr. Prashanth S H has published a paper titled “A survey on friction stir welded aluminum composites and their microstructure, hardness and tensile properties” under Materials Today, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.07.335 August 2023.
- Dr. Prashanth S H has published a paper titled “Determination of Antimicrobial Properties of Curcuma longa L (Turmeric) Leaf Extract and Its Potential Application in Consumer Goods” under Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Volume 24, Issue 5-6, Page 22- 27, Sep 2023; Article no.PCBMB.11697.
- Mr. Madhu Kumar K has published a paper titled “Enhancement in Micro structural characteristics and mechanical properties of A6082-Based MMCs via yttria Stabilized Zirconia incorporation and T6 Heat treatment” under European Chemical Bulletin, Vol. 5, No.12, pp. 1310-1320, May 2023.
- Dr. Janardhana K has published a paper titled “Fabrication of flood resistance house” published in IRJMETS Vol 5, issue 10, pp.1896-1900, October 2023
- Dr. Janardhana K has published a paper titled “Design and Fabrication of Smart-Waste Segregation System Using IoT” published in IJIRT, Vol 9; issue 12 issn 2349-6002.
- Sampath Kumar L and Dr.Prashant S Hhaspublished a paper titled"Optimization of Friction Stir Welding Parameters and Evaluation of Mechanical and Micro structural Properties of Al-Cu Joints”, on 01-02-2023 in International Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering (ICRDME).
- Asha Rani A has published a paper titled "Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Mulch Laying Machine”, in JETIR, ISSN: 2349-5162, Issue-5, Volume10 on May 2023.
- Madhu Kumar K and Dr G Balakumar has published a paper titled "Enhancement in Micro structural characteristics and mechanical properties of A6082-Based MMCs via yttria Stabilized Zirconia incorporation and T6 Heat treatment”, in European Chemical Bullet in Q3ISSN:2063-5346,Issue-5,Volume-12 on 15.05.2023.
- Madhu Kumar K has published a paper titled "Design and Analysis of Anti-Roll Bar in Formula Vehicle”, in IJRASET, ISSN: 2321-9653, Issue-5, Volume-2, Doi:https://doi.org/10.22214/ijrqset.2023-52846 on May 2023.
- Sampath Kumar L and Dr. V Shanthahas Published a Paper titled“Precipitation Assisted Chemical Synthesis of Calcite-Zincate Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Assay" on 25th November 2022 in Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Manuscript id: ISSN-2022-0198.
- V Shanthahas published a paper title“Auto Load Shedding and Restoration using Microcontroller” Proceedings of International Conference on “Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications” on February 2022.
- Sampath Kumar L and Dr. V Shanthahaspublished a paper titled“Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity Studies of Calcite-Zincate Nanoparticles by Green Synthesis” International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (ijirae) ISSN: 2349- 2163 Volume 9, Issue 10 October 2022.
- SampathKumar L, Mr. Janardhana K and Dr. V Shanthahas Published a paper titled“Cell Viability Studies using Human Gingival Fibroblast, Human Oral Fibroblast Cells and Mechanical Characterization of Calcite / Zincite nan particles”World Journal of Advances and Reviews article, doi:https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.3.1443 December 2022ISSN: 2581-9615 impact factor: 7.8, ISSN approved journal.
- V Shanthaand MrsAsha Rani Ahas Published a paper titled“Experimental Studies on the Effect of EGR on the Performance and Emissions of Dual Fuel Diesel Engine by RSM”, International Journal of Current Science, and Impact factor: 8.1 December 2022.
- V Shanthahas published a paper titled“Experimental Analysis and Optimization of wind Turbine for Domestic Application”, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, impact factor: 6.078 October 2022.
- Prashant S Hand Mr. S B Haleshhas Published a paper titled“Thermal Analysis of Friction Stir Welded Steel and Aluminum Materials with Varying Pre-heat Temperature” Elsevier - Materials Today: Proceedings, volume52,part-3, January2022, pages: 2143-2147) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.12.461
- Prashant S H, Mr. S B Haleshand Dr. Hanamantraygouda M Bhas a paper titled“Fatigue Studies on Aluminum 6061/sic Reinforcement Metal Matrix Composites”, Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels 2022-07-12 DOI: https://doi.org/10.18311/jmmf/2022/30684
- Prashant S H and Dr. Hanamantraygouda M Bhas Published a paper titled“Growth of Electric Vehicles in India”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653, value: 45.98, impact factor: 7.538 volume 10 issue vii July 2022- available at www.ijraset.com.
- Prashant S Hand Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B hasPublished a paper titled“HYPERLOOP”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653, value: 45.98,impact factor: 7.538 volume 10 issue vii July 2022- available at www.ijraset.com.
- S B Halesh and Dr. Hanamantraygouda M BhasPublished a paper titled“A Review on Phase-Changing Material in Battery Management Systems”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653, value: 45.98, impact factor: 7.538 volume 10 issue vii July 2022- available at www.ijraset.com.
- Ejaz Ahmed hasPublished a paper titled“Development of Intelligent Inline Multi Axis Solar panels with Rays Tracking Technology-towards a New Paradigm”, International e-conference on Recent Innovations in Mechanical Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Mechanical Engineering on July 2022, ISBN: 978-93-5626-978.
- Ejaz Ahmedhas Published a paper titled“ICRAES 2022 THEME: Next Generation Materials”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences, RIT 2022 held on 13th& 14th October 2022.
- Shiva Kumar S, Mr. Kumara Swamy S published and Mrs. Veena B Ghas Published a paper titled"Performance Requirements on Laser Ignition System", International Journal for Research in applied science and Engineering Technology, Volume-11, issue-4. January 2023 doi link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.48582
- Hanamantraygouda M B and Mr. Ramesh C Ghas published a paper titled"A Review on Supply Chain in Agriculture Sector”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC value: 45.98; impact factor: 7.538 volume 10 issue vii July 2022- available at www.ijraset.com.
Year 2021
- V Shantha has published a paper titled “Studies on Nanomaterials as Additives for Lubrication- A Review” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing, Volume 11 Issue No. 02, Feb. 2021.
- Sampathkumar L, Dr. V Shantha have published a paper titled “Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial studies of calcite-zincite nanoparticles” in Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 46, Part 7, 2021, Pages 2520-2527.
- Dr. G Balakumar, has published a paper titled “Optimization of ductility and yield strength on Al2024/B4C composite material using Taguchi Technique” in Materials Science and Engineering, 1055 (2021) 012117, IVC, RAISE, 2020.
- Prashant S H has published a paper titled “Exploration on Concurrent Engineering Based Quality and Development”International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET), Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2021, DOI 10.17148/IARJSET. 2021.8693, Indexed in Microsoft Academic, Google Scholar, Index copernicus, NAAS Accredited Science Journal, Thomson Reuters ID I-8645-2017.
- Prashant S H has published a paper titled “Product Building and Structure – An Overview”International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSSET), Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2021, DOI 10.17148/IARJSET. 2021.8694, Indexed in Microsoft Academic, Google Scholar, Index copernicus, NAAS Accredited Science Journal, Thomson Reuters ID I-8645-2017.
- Prashant S H has published a paper titled “A Review of Product Life Cycle Management”International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSSET), Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2021, DOI 10.17148/IARJSET. 2021.8695, Indexed in Microsoft Academic, Google Scholar, Index copernicus, NAAS Accredited Science Journal, Thomson Reuters ID I-8645-2017.
- Mr. Shivakumar S, has published a paper titled “Characterization and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Aluminium Alloy T6-6061(Reinforced with ZrO2) subjected to Forging” in International Journal for Research in Applied Science &Engineering Technology, Volume 9, Issue I, January 2021.
- Mr. Shivakumar S, has published a paper titled “Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Rolling on Hardness of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites” in IJIRSET, Volume 9, Issue 7, July 2020 e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710.
- Mr. Shivakumar S, has published a paper titled “Effect of hardness and tensile behavior of Al-2024/TiB2 coated B4C particles synthesized by stir casting route” in Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2021.
Year 2020
- Shanmukharadhya K S, has published a paper titled “A study on the viability of airborne wind energy systems” in IJIRSET, Vol. 9, Issue 6, June 2020.
- Dr. G Balakumar, has published a paper titled “Influence of Process Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Al-Cu alloy by Taguchi’s Technique” in AEGAEUM JOURNA, p881-886, Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020.
- Dr. G Balakumar, has published a paper titled “Formation and Evaluation of Tensile Strength and Hardness Properties of AL2024 Alloy Reinforced with Boron Carbide Particulates” in JRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.7, Issue 1, Page No pp.494-501, January 2020.
- Mr. Chethan D, has published a paper titled “Tool offset influence on mechanical and microstructure properties of dissimilar Al6082 and Copper friction stir welded joints” in In Scopus Indexed Journal International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), Vol.10, Issue 3, ISSN:2249-8001, June 2020, 10007-10018.
- Mr. Nataraja M, Dr G Balakumar, have published a paper titled “Microstructure Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Al-12%Si Alloy using Spray Atomization” in international journal of engineering & science research, IJESR/ICETEISM-2019/Special Issue/ Article No-55/252-254.
- Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B has published a paper titled “Investigation of corrosion behavior of SiC reinforced Al 6061/SiC metal matrix composites using Taguchi technique,” in Journal Bio and Tribo corrosion, Springer, 05, February 2020.
- Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B has published a paper titled “Wear behavior of hot forged SiC reinforced aluminum composite materials” in Taylor and Francis, 2 January 2020.
- Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B has published a paper titled “Study on acoustophoresis for advanced purification and innovation” in IJRSET, Vol 9, Issue 6, June2020.
- Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B has published a paper titled “An overview: Fused Deposition Modelling Process” in, JETIR July 2020, Vol-7, Issue- 7, ISSN-2349-5162.
- Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B has published a paper titled “Design and Development of Spiral Weeder Machine” in JETIR1906J96, June 2019, Vol-6, Issue – 6.
- Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B has published a paper titled “Use of composite materials and hybrid composites in wind turbine blades” in Meterials Today: Proceedings, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.02.745 IJ 2214-7853/ 2021 Elsevier Ltd.
- Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B has published a paper titled “A review on humanoid robotics” in IJRSET, Vol 9, Issue 7, July 2020.
- Mr. K Ejaz Ahmed and Mr. B M Nagesh have published a paper titled “Studies on the effect of welding parameters for friction stir welded AA6082 reinforced with aluminimum oxide,” in Materials Today, Elsevier, 108-199, 2020
- Mr. K Ejaz Ahmed has published a paper titled “Design and Development of Marine data collecting wave rider - Towards a New Paradigm,” in Appeared in EUDL, ICASISET 2020, May 2020
- Karthik M, Mrs. veena B G, Mr Madhukumar K, Mr Halesh S B, have published a paper titled “Vayu-tree for reduction of particulate matters from air,” in Vol9, Issue 7, Alochana Chakra Journal, July 2020.
- Mr. Halesh S B, Dr. Prashant S H, Dr Hanamantraygouda M B, have published a paper titled “A review study in electromechanical camless engines”, in IJRSET, Vol 9, Issue 7, July 2020.
- Sampathkumar L, Dr. V Shantha, Dr. Chandrashekhar Naik, have published a paper titled “Synthesis of calcite-zincite nano composite materials using sol-gel auto combustion method” in 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1003 012132, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1003/1/012132
- Sampathkumar L, Dr. V Shantha, Dr. Chandrashekhar Naik, have published a paper titled “Nanoparticles and restorative dentistry- A review”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181, IJERTV9IS010003, Vol. 9 Issue 01, January-2020.
- Janardhana K, has published a paper titled “Study of volumes cutting parameters in the cutting force and power during turning option” in ISART, Vol - 6, Issue - 5, May 2020.
- Janardhana K, has published a paper titled “Analysis of single point cutting tool in plain timing” in JSRET, Vol-6, Issue -3, 2020.
- Janardhana K, has published a paper titled “A review paper on Modeling and Fabrication of Multipurpose agriculture machine” in Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering And Science, Vol.10, Issue 2 (Feb 2020), PP 07-11, Issn (e): 2278-4721, Issn (p):2319-6483.
- Madhukumar K, Deeksha Ramesh, Priyanka S, Thanmayi C K, Ravikumar Shankar Kumbar, have published a paper titled, “An Alternative for Cement as a Binder – A Comparative Study Based on Compressive Strength and Shear Strength”, in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429, Volume 8 Issue VII July 2020- Available at ijraset.com.
- Madhukumar K, Deeksha Ramesh, Priyanka S, Thanmayi C K, Ravikumar Shankar Kumbar, have published a paper titled, “The Variation of Compressive Strength of Silica Sand with Different Types of Binders”, in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, IJERTV9IS090249, Vol. 9 Issue 09, September-2020, Published by :www.ijert.org.
- Sumanth D Bijapur, MadhuKumar K, have published a paper titled “Review on Advent of Additive Manufacturing”, in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, ISSN: 2320-2882, Impact Factor : 7.97 (Calculate by Google Scholar), Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2020.
- Mrs. Asha Rani A, has published a paper titled, “Emission Reducer”, in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 issue:07 July 2020.
Year 2019
- V Shantha, Mr. Mahaboob Basha D, Mrs. Asha Rani S, have published a paper titled “Performance analysis of Swing Machinery using root cause analysis” in IJLTEMAS, Vol-VIII, Aug 2019, ISSN 2278-2540.
- Prashant S H has published a paper titled “Process Optimization of Friction Stir Welded AA7XXX and Steel with Different Preheating Conditions”in Elsevier Ltd, Volume 18, Part 7, Nov 2019, Pages 3556-3565.
- Mr. Shivakumar S has published a paper titled “Review on Laser Ignition System”in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol - IX, Issue VI, June 2019.
- Mr. Shivakumar S, has published a paper titled “Study of hardness and tensile behaviour of Fe2O3 reinforced Al-Cu alloy metal matrix composites by stir squeeze casting”in Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol. 18, No. 11, November 2019 T (ISSN No. 0972 7396) (Sl. No. 41, Journal No. 3830).
- Mr. Shivakumar S, has published a paper titled “Experimental investigations on property evaluation of Al-alloy reinforced with nano ceramic particulates-based metal matrix composites (NMMC’s) subjected to forging”in Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol. 18, No. 10, October 2019
- Mr. Kumar Swamy R, has published a paper titled “Fabrication of Multipurpose Agricultural Tiller”in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1C, May 2019.
- Madhukumar K, Indraneel Das, have published a paper titled “A Review on the Advent of 4D Printing”, International Journal of Engineering & Science Research, Special issue, Article No.-12/46-52, ISSN 2277-2685, May 2019.
- Madhukumar K, Indraneel Das, Sumeet B Patil, Suhas B Malannavar, Sunny Kumar, have published a paper titled “Development of Low-Cost Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3d Printer”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR, Volume 6, Issue 6, www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162), June 2019.
Publication in International Journal:
- Deeksha Ramesh, Priyanka S, Thanmayi C K, Ravikumar Shankar Kumbar, have published paper titled “An Alternative for Cement as a Binder – A Comparative Study Based on Compressive Strength and Shear Strength”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429, Volume 8 Issue VII July 2020- Available at ijraset.com.
- Deeksha Ramesh, Priyanka S, Thanmayi C K, Ravikumar Shankar Kumbar, have published paper titled “The Variation of Compressive Strength of Silica Sand with Different Types of Binders”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, IJERTV9IS090249, Vol. 9 Issue 09, September-2020, Published by :www.ijert.org.
- Sumanth D Bijapur has published paper titled “Review on Advent of Additive Manufacturing”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, ISSN: 2320-2882, Impact Factor : 7.97 (Calculate by Google Scholar), Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2020.
- Nikita Chavan, Jahnavi VVSS, Yash Pradeep Menon, Purushotham Shenoy K, have published paper titled “Mechanical Properties and Processing Techniques of Natural Fibers Reinforced in a Polymer Matrix-A Review”, International Journal of Modern trends in Engineering and Research, Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2019, ISSN(e):2349-9745, ISSN(P):2393-8161, Impact Factor: 5.278
- Shashank C Achari, Purushotham Shenoy K, Mr. Madhukumar K, have published paper titled “Jatropha Biodiesel as a Fuel for Future-A Review”, International Journal of Modern trends in Engineering and Research, Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2019, ISSN(e):2349-9745, ISSN(P):2393-8161, Impact Factor: 5.278.
- Indraneel Das, Madhukumar K, have published paper titled “A Review on the Advent of 4D Printing”, International Journal of Engineering & Science Research, Special issue, Article No.-12/46-52, ISSN 2277-2685, 2019.
- Indraneel Das, Sumeet B Patil, Suhas B Malannavar, Sunny Kumar, Madhukumar K, have published paper titled “Development of Low Cost Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3d Printer”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR, Volume 6, Issue 6, www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162), June 2019.
Presentation by Students in International Conferences:
- Indraneel Das has presented a paper entitled “Review on the advent of 4D printing” in the 1stInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, innovative Science and Management, held on 18 May 2019, at East west Institute of Technology in association with Technical Institute for Engineers and the same has been published in the journal Engineering and Science Research.
- Sathwik Nag C V has presented a paper entitled “Advancements in Vertical Axis Wind Turbine - A Review” in 2ndInternational Conference on Recent Research Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Civil Engineering” (ICRRETMCE-2018), held on13-14, July 2018, held at REVA University.
- Purushtham Shenoy K, Yatish S and Vikas Noolkar have presented a paper entitled “Development and Characterization of Al7075 alloy reinforced with Tungsten Carbide and E-glass” in the International Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, held on 6-7, July 2017 at REVA University, Bengaluru.
- Sameer Shah and Nitin Singh have presented their paper entitled “Automated Vigilance Assistance System with Crime Detection for Upcoming smart Cities” in the 13thInternational Conference on Automotive Engineering (ICAE-13), Bangok, Thailand, 3-4, April 2017.
Presentation by Students in national Conferences:
- Deeksha R and Priyanka S have presented a paper entitled “The variation of compressive strength of Silica sand with different types of binders” in National Conference of Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, held on 3-4, May 2019, at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Hemanthram K R and Kishore Kumar have presented a paper entitled “Design and development of Hoverbike - A Review” in National Conference of Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, held on 3-4, May 2019, at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Guraja Shetty and Muhammed Shoaib Pasha have presented a paper entitled “Development, sample preparation and microstructure analysis of Nano or Micro metal matrix composites” in National Conference of Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, held on 3-4, May 2019, at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Suwarna C A and Rajat Goyal have presented a technical paper on “Lox Methane Versus Lox LH2 Propellant” in the National Conference at National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, on 02.03.2018.
- Bhavya V, Kashinath Pujari and Mahesh H C have presented a technical paper on “A Review on Usage of 100% Ethanol in Engines,” in the National Conference at National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, on 02.03.2018.
Name |
Qualification |
Designation |
Shery Mol S M | B.Sc, M.Sc (SE) | DEO |
Mr. K. Giridhar | ITI | Mechanic |
Mr. D. Raja | ITI | Mechanic |
Mr. T Loskesh | ITI NAC | Mechanic |
Mr. S. Rajanna | SSLC | Lab-Attender |
Mr. N. C. Subba Raju | SSLC | Lab-Attender |
Mr. N. Bhaskar | SSLC | Helper |
The Research Center at Mechanical Engineering is recognized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. The centre focuses on domains such as Thermal Science, Computational fluid Dynamics and Renewable Energy Sources, Material Tensile Strength Characterization at High Strain Rates and Temperatures, Nano Materials and Bio Materials, Casting and Welding, Product Design, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing the Research Facilities help Students and Faculty to involve in Research and Pursue and MSc Engineering Programmes.
List of Research Guides and their SpecializationSl.No. | Name of the Research Guide | VTU Research ID | Area of Specialization of the Research Guide | Number of Research Scholars | Details of Ph.D. Guidance to other Universities Research Scholars |
1 | Dr V Shantha | VTU08172276 | Material Science | 04 | NIL |
2 | Dr G Balakumar | 042021RSME001705 | Material Science | 05 | NIL |
3 | Dr. Hanamantraygouda M B | 012021RSME000032 | Material Science | 01 | NIL |
Sl.No | Name of the Research Scholar | Name of Guide | Title of the Research | Research Area | Status (Thesis Submitted/ Viva Voce/ Course Work Completed) |
1 | Sampath Kumar | Dr V Shantha | Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Materials for restorative Dentistry Applications | Nano Materials | Thesis Submitted |
2 | MahaboobBasha D | Dr V Shantha | Modification of existing diesel engine to run on dual fuel and Experimental investigation on performance and emission Characteristics of duel fuel engine | Duel Fuel Engine | Pre submission colloquium completed |
3 | Shivakumar S | Dr G Balakumar | Development and property evaluation of AI-Alloy reinforced with nano ceramic particulates based metal matrix composites(NMMC’s) Subjected to hot forging | NMMC-Nano Metal Matric Composites | Pre PhD-Comprehensive Viva-Voce completed |
5 | Nataraja M | Dr G Balakumar | Development and property evaluation of AI-Alloy Reinforced with ZrO2 particulates based metal matrix composites by disintegrated melt deposition technique | MMC- Metal Matric Composites | Pre PhD-Comprehensive Viva-Voce completed |
6 | Madhukumar K | Dr G Balakumar | Development and property evaluation of Aluminum alloy 6082 reinforced with Micro-Yttria Stabilized Zirconia particulates based metal matrix composites Subjected to T6 heat treatment. | MMC- Metal Matric Composites | Pre PhD-Comprehensive Viva-Voce completed |
7 | Meghana S | Dr G Balakumar | Process optimization studies of polymer based implants using Additive Manufacturing | Additive Manufacturing | Course Work completed |
8 | Mr. Janardhana K | Dr. D.N. Drakshayani | The retrogression and reaging heat treatment of aluminum alloys | Materials processing | Completed the Thesis |
9 | Mr. Prashanth L | Dr. A.J.K Prasad | Evaluation of charecterisrics of battery system for ICCP application | Battery Systems | Course Work completed |
Sl.No. | Equipment/ Software/ Facility available | Utility Area/Purpose |
1 | Computerized Universal Testing Machine (UTM) | Materials, Research purpose and for students experiments |
2 | Computerized Diesel Engine Test Rig | Heat and Mass Transfer, Analysis of engine performance, Testing of Bio fuels |
3 | Metallurgical Microscope | Analysis of Microstructure of Materials |
4 | Wear and Friction Monitor | Materials, Wear and friction monitor for polymer composites |
5 | Vacuum pump | For vacuum creation |
6 | ANSYS Software | Modeling and Analysis Lab |
7 | Metal Melting Furnaces | Foundry Lab, Melting, Alloying purpose |
8 | Vickers hardness testing machine (VGST Sponsored) | Hardness testing |
9 | spray casting unit | For development of MMCs/NMMCs |
10 | Stir casting unit | For development of MMCs/NMMCs |
11 | well-equipped foundry and forging lab | Casting, Moulding, Forging, Metal melting, sand testing |
12 | Stir welding unit | Stir welding |
13 | well-equipped machine shop and material testing labs | For machining and testing purpose |
Faculty In charge
Title of the Project
Amount in INR
Sanctioned letter
Dr.V Shantha
Renewable Energy
Harvesting from
Highway Traffic
46th Series
Project proposal
reference number:
Programme Outcomes
- PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
- PO3: Design/ Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
- PO4: Conduct investigations of complex: Problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
- PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an under- standing of the limitations.
- PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.
- PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
- PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
- PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
- PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
- PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to owners own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
1 | Outsight Teaching in GKVK |
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2 | Onsite Teaching |
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3 | Case Study Based |
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4 | Model Based: Faculties handling CAED |
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5 | Interaction with outer side world, Social Connect and Responsibility | ![]() |
6 | Flipped Classroom and Video based | Study material is given to students and additional assignments given on the topic with Video presentation. |